The Global Top 10

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The Global top 10 sites of this month are :
ALL ADVANTAGE - This is the BEST internet service, probably the first and only of its kind. It Pays you just to be online, just to surf the Web. Anyone - from any part of the globe can sign up. Pays $ 0.50 per hour. You don't need to have a website or anything. Joining is 100% FREE


ZD NET - This is a very nice website. It lists the top tech news and links to some FREE downloads. It also has some tips and tricks to improve your computers performance. Its reviews are especially very good. You can subscribe to free newsletters as well. Many to choose from.


YNOT E-Cards - Lets you send Animated cards.... really animated I mean. Almost like a running cartoon. Again, its FREE.


McAfee Clinic - Believe me, you haven't seen anything like this before...It is a free service by the well known McAfee's. It lets you scan for Viruses and Fine-Tune your PC for optimum performance. Great site ! Check it out.


Babble Fish- This is an extremely useful tool. It lets you translate languages at the click of a button. English to French, Italian to Spanish to German...Really - Its very neat!!! By AltaVista.


Briefcase - This is probably the only service of its kind. Once again - FREE.  It lets you store files in a so called Briefcase and acts like a virtual Hard disk in cyberspace. Provides free email, lets you synchronize your address book and store it up there. Plus, Calenders and lots more. A must see !!!


Planet ALL -  The next generation freebie !!! This is a cyber PIM (Personal Information manager). FREE. Organises and stores mainly contacts and appointments. Good site.


E-Fax - This is a COOL service, probably the first and only of its kind. It allows you to have your own FAX number. When you are FAXed on this number - you can recieve it by email !!! Best of all - its 100% FREE


GaboCorp - This site has the best design I have seen so far. It uses Shockwave. Makes you feel like watching a movie rather than a Webpage. Uses multimedia. Excellent web design.


CNet - This is an all round tech website. Downloads, Shopping, Reviews etc. Very good features. A must visit.

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